

Warm evening temperatures continue to affect texture and overall quality. Tip burn and reddish discoloration are common arrival problems.  Size and weight continue to be small and light. Most shippers are being forced to harvest fields early to avoid further quality issues with most offering deals on 30 size lettuce.  Look for production levels to remain light through mid-September.


Still a very tight market, demand has remains strong with high fobs, especially on crowns with many shippers quoting well over $20 fob.  Texas crowns have begun, although very light numbers this week.  Processors are buying up acreage and keeping prices high.   Eastern broccoli quality has been marginal at best, and west coast remains the best growing location for overall shape and condition. Some industry wide quality issues include branchy tops and knuckling.  Some deals are being made on 14 size but expect the crown market to remain strong for next few days. Markets could lose some strength by early next week.


After a significant downturn, this market is once again firming up. Warmer weather in the east has created more demand as stores begin stocking up.  Quality has been very nice, good white appearance and strong structure. There have been some reports of brown spotting this week, but problems have been minimal.

Mix Leaf

Good supplies of romaine, green and red leaf available from both Santa Maria and Salinas, California. This week Oxnard, California has started new crop romaine, green and red leaf lettuce as well. The East Coast continues to receive supplies of Canadian product which should help keep markets on California product at current trading levels into the middle of September. Romaine weight has been averaging 35#-37#, length 12″-14″ and showing some insect damage, frog skin and an occasional.  Green leaf and red leaf weights have been 19#-21# with some insect damage, a few on the leggy side and some with occasional rib issues can be found in most cartons.  Romaine and romaine heart production continues to be moderate as well as green and red leaf . The “warm” evening temperatures in the Coastal Valleys over the past month have contributed to weakened texture. Growing areas in Southern California have begun production a week earlier than anticipated.  Reduced summer planting should continue to keep market active until September increases.

Dry Vegetables

Green bell pepper market is very depressed in California and supply exceeds demand.  Quality has been very good.  We should see the market improve next week as supplies are forecasted to decrease.

Red and yellow bell peppers market should loosen up by next week, as Oxnard began harvesting.  Supplies are expected to be light, but available.

The zucchini and yellow squash market is active due to a gap in production.  Transition into the next block of fields seems to be slow.  It is expect to remain strong for the next 7 -10 days

The Cucumber Market is very active due to a lack of supply from Mexico.  They have been dealing with a bloom drop, and supply is being affected.  The volume that is crossing contains all sizes, so every pack is available, just limited in quantity.


Yields for fruit have declined and will continue to decrease into next week. Night time low temperatures in the Salinas Valley continue to stay above 60’s degrees which will continue to produce soft fruit. Many growers have opted to go to the freezer with their fruit for the next few weeks. Fall crop fruit has started in the Santa Maria area but supplies will be limited for the next 10 days.


Lighter supplies of Cantaloupes have caused prices to rise. The market should settle by the end of the week, as the holiday pull subsides. The honeydew market is steady and supplies are available on all sizes. Quality on both cantaloupe and honeydew is good to excellent.


The watermelon market continues to be demand exceeds supply nationwide.  Quality is good to excellent and is forecasted to remain through the summer.  Seeded watermelon are almost extinct, with very limited supply. Mini Seedless are available in larger sizes and limited volumes.


The table grape market continues to be steady.  Supply is available and stable with demand.  Sizing is trending to medium – large, big fruit seems to be limited.  Quality and condition of all varieties seems to be good to excellent.


Navels – We still have late navels and also offshore navels mostly 72’s – 56’s & larger.

Valencias –  There are good supplies of 56-72-88’s, the 113-138’s have very good demand and are selling out 1st.

Lemons – we have offshore starting this week with limited supplies, the following week should be better. As far as domestic supplies, there is a lot of small fruit 200-235’s, the 165’s & larger is very limited in supply. Fruit on the tree has not sized due to lack of rain. We will be in a substitute and prorate position in the coming weeks.

Grapefruit – There are good supplies of rubys. Clementines are available in bulk and 10/3# bags.

Tree Fruit

Peaches and Nectarines are in good supply and meeting very good demand. Size is trending to large and being mostly tray packed.  Small volume filled fruit is limited at this time.

Plum supply is starting to wind down and the final varieties are beginning to be harvested.  The market is forecasted to begin advancing.

Pluots are in good supply with multiple varieties being harvested.  The market is steady and should remain so for another week or so.