Conventional Items
Good supplies with tiered availability and pricing. Production is expected to remain strong with temperatures forecast to warm this weekend. Demand is expected to improve as we move into the latter part of the month along with shorter days , markets are expected to be volatile in coming weeks. Quality has been good with a few defects mostly being trimmed in the field. Weights and texture also continue to vary daily.
Leaf Lettuce
Romaine Steady, lighter production due to reduced budgeted acres has allowed growers to raise floor pricing although still mostly affordable. Demand remains steady, mostly good quality with some seeder, rib and twist. Growers continue to monitor insect pressure which could impact overall supplies later this month.
Romaine Hearts continue to offer good value with good supplies and quality.
Red leaf, Green leaf and Boston Many West Coast growers continue to work on scaled back acreage for another couple weeks and have been able to maintain pricing or even firm prices as local homegrown production has begun to show signs of easing after a challenging Summer although the East Coast Fall crop is expected to continue.
Good availability going into next week. Most shippers are heavy to 24 and 30 size. Run your offers by us.
Slightly lighter supplies are forecasted for the next 10 days. Pricing will remain stable as we move into next week. Harvest crews are finding some hollow core and light pin rot which is being thrown out at field level. We will continue to see an increase in production from Central Mexico moving forward.
Shippers are seeing lighter harvest numbers this week. This situation will linger into next week. Overall quality is good, nice white domes and good head size with most cartons averaging 28 -30 pounds.
The thornless varieties have become the dominant variety. Demand remains modestly good for light to moderate supplies. Heavy supplies of the Jumbo sizes offer good value.
Brussels Sprouts
Domestic production continues to increase as growers ramp up production for the processors, which will increase fresh supplies as well. Discounted prices should remain through the month before Fall promotions push prices higher. Discounts remain on off sizes. Increased production is also available on Stalk Sprouts for promotion.
Green Onions
Markets remain strong with production still limited to mostly small sizes as growers continue with reduced Summer acreage and labor. Quality remains mixed with signs of heat damage as growers have been trying to stay ahead of the crop to avoid significant damage. Expect supplies to remain light through the end of the month as growers monitor tropical storm activity in Mexico
Cooler temps will give way to warmer temperatures towards the end of the week. There is a slight chance of rain mid week in the northern areas. Production has been steady, though overall output of berry volume is expected to decrease week over week as we get further into the Fall. We expect numbers in the North to drop more drastically in late September through early October. Sizing is decreasing slightly as the sizing of conventional counts are ranging about 24-26 per case and organic counts are coming in about 30-35 per case. Inspection reports are showing occasional issues of darker areas, soft spots and overripe fruit, along with a few mildew berries due to the foggy mornings. Labor in the north is a little light as crews move south to the new crop areas. Foggy mornings and cooler temperatures will transition to warmer temps by mid week in Santa Maria. There has been a slight drop in overall estimates this week, but we are expecting volume to rebound as the weekend temperatures improve. Fall Crop growing areas are producing excellent quality, thus commanding a higher F.O.B. price. The fruit has been strong as the season continues to pick up every week. Fall Crop is forecast to reach peak volume approximately in mid-October. The plants in the Fall crop areas are loaded with flowers, so we should have good numbers as we approach peak volumes for the industry. Fall crop conventional counts are ranging from 14-16 count per clamshell. The quality has been excellent. Very few misshapen berries, with consistent color, and firmness. The Oxnard area is expected to start slowly and good numbers are not expected until the first few weeks of October at the earliest. In Central Mexico, the plants are in the ground and the forecast is for light numbers to start crossing in late October.
Rain has been the norm this week out of Mexico. happening daily in the afternoons. Weather has been hot and humid; seeing temps in the high 70’s to low 80’s and nights at the low 60’s. Next week is looking to be similar, with daytime temps still in the high 70’s and low 80’s as well. Even with the inclement weather, numbers are expected to steadily increase towards their expected peak in November. Overall, fruit is looking decent with a decent red color, with some fruit lighter in color in the pack due to picking a bit early ahead of the heat. Sizes are mostly medium with larger berries here and there. The industry is seeing some overripe and crumbled fruit, as well as mildew from the high moisture environment due to the wet weather. Volume for raspberries is starting to pick back up as we progress through September. The Northern areas are beginning to see a decline in production. We expect to see light numbers over the next 2 weeks.
The Berries out of Mexico are light in numbers, but will see increasing numbers in the short term. The quality for most growers out of Mexico has been good, with sizing between the medium to large range and good firmness. Conventional counts are ranging from 22-26 and organic counts are 30-35. Due to high temps in the regions. There have been a few complaints regarding some red cell regression, along with some soft, leaking fruit as the daytime temps continue to be hot. Rain has caused some concern for the appearance of mildew. Volume for blackberries have passed their peak and will steadily decline throughout August until the industry picks back up in early October. We are seeing increasing numbers out of Santa Maria as we head towards their peak period in mid October. The northern fruit continues to look good. The fruit has a medium-to-large sizing, and the berries have been firm. Attached calyx and red cell regression is a continual occurrence and are seeing some issues of smaller fruit. Overall, production is decent, but we have passed our peak for blackberries in the North.
We expect a significant gap in the overall blueberry supply between domestic and imported crops. The Pacific Northwest is wrapping up fresh production as late season high temperatures and rain have created challenges with lower yields and subsequent poor quality; soft, shrivel and mold. The “storage” blueberries that had been put away in modified atmosphere containers to extend the season into September are showing signs of early breakdown and fruit quality is not making specification to be packed for the fresh market. A large number of growers are diverting their fruit to processors. Other domestic regions in the industry have also been affected. Michigan has received multiple rain events late in their season which is showing the same results. This is an industry-wide shortage and will last until Peruvian and Central Mexico imports begin to hit the US markets with significant volume. Current forecasts are showing a continued rapid decline through September, bottoming out in mid-late October, before we expect to see volume start to increase around the middle of November.
Stone Fruit
Markets on peaches and nectarines are holding steady despite the current light volumes reported. White nectarines are in very limited supply for the remainder of the season, and demand is increasing. Red and black plums are currently available and are expected to remain in good supply form the coming week.
There is currently a good selection of red and green seedless grapes available this week, with excellent quality and condition reported. Black seedless grapes are currently in limited supply and transitioning into a demand exceeds supply scenario. Shippers expect these conditions to last through the remainder of the month. Red Globe grapes are available, but only in limited quantities.
Valencia oranges are currently in short supply across all sizes and grades, and markets are strengthening quickly. The quality of the fruit is only fair at the moment due to the high temperatures causing stress in the fruit. As a result, the oranges are softer and showing signs of re-greening. Navel oranges are currently available, but are now only in limited quantities. New crop navels will not be ready until mid October.
Good supply of lemons are expected to arrive this weekend from offshore sources. District II lemons remain well-stocked on the East Coast. In California, District 3 is harvesting, yielding plenty of sizes 140, 165, and 200. Large fruit is limited. Lemons from Argentina and Chile are available in all sizes through October. Fancy grades may be limited. Mexican lemons are mostly small, with large fruit being scarce.
The current market is relatively stable, with sufficient supply to meet demand. While there are some concerns about a potentially smaller harvest, inventory levels are adequate, preventing significant price increases. Mexico’s return to the marketplace has contributed to this stability, and the market appears to be in a balanced state.
Lime supplies are still extremely short. Demand has fallen slightly due to the skyrocketing prices the past few weeks. There is more small fruit being offered, but fob’s remain $50-$60+ and some higher on the best fruit. Large fruit is still the most difficult and priced near $70. Reports of quality improving, but still a challenge. There is no real relief expected for several weeks.
Supplies are very limited as we are currently in a production gap. If a shipper has any availability it will be larger sizing mostly jumbo 9 and regular 9 size. Due to cooler temperatures , the cantaloupes are taking their time to mature. If a grower has cantaloupes to sell they are holding them hostage and making you take some honeydews as well.
Good supplies available for loading out of the Westside district in the San Joaquin Valley. All sizes available from Jumbo 4’s all the way down to 8’s.
Organic Items
OG Broccoli & Cauliflower
Cauliflower production continues mostly steady with good quality and production. Prices have edged higher with improving demand
Broccoli supplies have leveled off as prices have stabilized although growers continue to battle insect pressure which could impact quality and production in coming weeks.
OG Celery
Production remains mostly steady with slightly higher prices . Growers continue to monitor fields for insect pressure.
OG Herbs & Bunch Greens
Multiple production areas continue to offer sufficient options and good supplies but mixed quality. especially increased insect pressure and seeder issues .
OG Leaf and Iceberg Lettuce
Production in Northern California remains steady but limited. Recent hot temperatures haven’t led to many quality issues but growers continue to monitor for increasing insect pressure.
OG Citrus
Lemons, Oranges, Limes and Grapefruit Strong demand throughout the entire Citrus category due to strong retail sales and revived foodservice activity.
Grapefruit production has slowed with limited Fancy , Large size fruit available
Lemon Mexico continues with improved production but mostly small size. California production has started back up with limited supplies.
Lime quality and supplies remain inconsistent with elevated prices.
Valencia’s continue to be limited with varied quality .
OG Stone Fruit
Plums continue to offer strong sizing and flavor profiles for a couple more weeks with mostly very nice quality.
Peach and Nectarines volumes remain lighter with occasional heat related damage but mostly very nice quality. Temperatures are forecast to ease which could help extend the season for Yellow varietals as White varieties finish up for the season. Prices are expected to remain at current elevated levels.
OG Melons
Watermelons , Cantaloupes and Honeydews Production and Quality remain good with mostly Large sizing available . Prices have firmed as demand remains strong.
OG Grapes
The Central Valley continues with good supplies although Reds continue to lag behind Green varietals with improving size and flavor profiles. Prices have settled at current levels with strong demand.