
Conventional Items
Improved weather throughout California and Arizona has yet to impact production as ground temperatures remain slightly below optimal. Forecasts call for continued warming in the Desert which will allow all plants to get back to a normal growth pattern. Expect improved production moving forward with a return of flexible pricing. Quality will remain varied with a wide range in color and texture with an increasing degree of discoloration due to epidermal blister and peel.
Leaf Lettuce
Romaine and Romaine Hearts  Production has slowed due to seasonal Freezing overnight temperatures last week which pushed soil temperatures to seasonal lows.  Improved conditions will allow for better growth heading into the weekend.  Many growers will begin to strip heavy blistered product in the field which could allow for better production of hearts although labor continues to be an issue which could inhibit any increases. Either way expect much heavier discoloration on all leaf lettuce , especially carton Romaine while Hearts may be slightly less affected.
Red leaf, Green leaf and Boston  Demand on Leaf continues to lag behind Romaine. Color and Texture will be affected as epidermal peel and discoloration has become more evident .
Demand remains steady. Movement has been good and markets will remain at current trading levels for the remainder of the week. Availability out of Santa Maria, Oxnard and the Desert growing regions.
Thornless production continues mostly from the South Coast with predominantly large sizes. Limited supplies in the Desert as most are transferred from Coastal production areas , significantly increasing cost. Most areas have seen moderate to heavy frost last week which has resulted in increased epidermal scarring, peel and discoloration, impacting overall quality although improving edibility.
The market has trended upwards this week. Lighter production out of California, Arizona and Mexico is expected all week. The Santa Maria region continues to work through quality issues due to the rain that occurred a couple of weeks ago. Quality should improve out of there next week.
Demand exceeds and will continue in this manner for the remainder of the week. As we move into next week with temperatures in the growing regions returning back to normal there should be better availability and a slight reprieve in pricing.
Brussels Sprouts
Northern California production has slowed with heavy rains and freezing overnight temperatures degrading quality rapidly as the season comes to an end. Mexico supplies remain extremely light although weather is expected to improve over the next couple weeks which should allow for better supplies by the end of the month.
Green Onions
Mexico is still lagging behind production although there continues to be signs of improvement as the weather has been favorable.  Labor continues to be an issue but we anticipate better supplies next week with prices expected to ease shortly thereafter .  Overall quality will be varied as most growers deal with the effects of last week’s cold temperatures .
Prices remain elevated. West Coast volume is low due to frequent rain and low temperatures. Overall production will begin to increase slightly in the last week of January. Supplies out of Florida and Mexico remain steady.
Prices are inching up. Mexican production is past its peak; supplies are tightening. Quality is very good: green shoulders are an occasional issue.
The market is firming up. Mexican supplies are tighter this week. Quality is very good: broken fruit is a sporadic problem caused by recent temperature fluctuations.
The market is climbing. Mexican volume has dipped; supplies will increase in late January when spring production ramps up. Import shipments are experiencing vessel delays and unloading challenges. Expect volume to rise the week of January 17. Quality is very good with good flavor.
Stone Fruit
Import Stone Fruit is starting this week. Vessel will begin arriving this week and should have product available to load in LA by Thursday or Friday. After this arrival the next west coast vessel is scheduled to arrive the week of 1/18. White Peaches and nectarines will be available in volume fill and tray pack towards the end of next week. Red and black plums are finished for the season until late February
Light supplies reported across the country and we are currently in a severe demand exceeds supply scenario. California supplies diminished drastically over the holidays and offshore fruit had not caught up. Offshore supplies have also been affected by transportation issues and port delays, adding to the severe drop off in supplies. Reds, greens and blacks have all been affected. More grape vessels are expected to arrive next week and and increase in arrivals are expected shortly after, which will certainly help. As expected, pricing is highly elevated on all varieties as buyers scramble for whatever fruit is available. Markets will likely begin to settle upon the arrival of more offshore fruit in the coming weeks.
Steady supplies of navels coming out of California. Quality has been very nice with very few issues to report industry wide. Excellent color and brix and product is holding up well. More small fruit available this week, and we expect more large fruit to come in towards the latter half of the month. Currently sizing is peaking on 88 and 113 count fruit. We expect similar conditions for the coming weeks.
Steady markets continue this week on all sizes of lemons. California lemons are peaking on 115 and 140 count sizes. Small sizes are more limited this week. Some product is still coming out of Texas, although the majority of supplies are out of California. Quality is very nice with very few issues to report.
Increased demand this week on limes and pricing has strengthened significantly as a result. Sizing is peaking on 175 and 200 count fruit. Quality has been improving, although some reports of lighter color and scarring have been reported. Better availability on small fruit is expected in the coming weeks. Markets will likely remain strong as more rain is in the forecast for production areas over the next two weeks.
Dry Onions
We are starting to hear rumblings of Mexico coming on with onions…will report more as it happens. The northwest is just plodding along and believe it or not, this trucking deal is holding the market down where it is and will continue to do so till the end.
Here comes Corborca…harvest on organics has started this week and conventional won’t be far behind. Chains are lining ads up for 28/1’s for the week of the 24 th of January with prices being quoted as low as $35.00. The weather is the big factor now in covering the demand for 28’s. Long range forecast is saying the temps will be conducive to handle the volume.
Things are looking steady. Honduras is in its peak and Guatemala is past its peak keeping volume and quality pretty stable. Sizes from Honduras are peaking on 9s jbo 9s. Demand is steady and lazy and port of entry issues along with trucking remains an issue. Food service demand looks like it will continue to struggle with COVID limiting restaurants and cruise ships along with vacation travel and even schools. However when the Omicron spike passes these venues could improve. No retail promotions are in place. All this adds up to steady pricing with perhaps increased discounting on slower trading days.
Supplies continue to be light supplies and this does not seem to be changing. Honduras is becoming the main production area with sizes running heavy to 5s and jbo 5s. Prices have been elevated for the entire deal and Mexico as a more cost effective alternative is no longer producing. Demand is restricted by high prices and all the issues discussed above. We see little price change ahead but some dealing on peaking sizes and /or fair quality.
Organic Items
OG Broccoli & Cauliflower
Cauliflower and Broccoli   Production has slowed overall with a much cooler weather pattern the past couple weeks. While markets continue to surge higher,  better production is expected by the end of next week which should help ease prices.  Quality from the desert remains good.
OG Celery
Production has been impacted due to significant rain along the coast and much cooler temperatures. Limited production in the desert and Mexico have helped supplement but overall supplies remain light. Improved weather forecast should help growers overall production toward the end of the month.
OG Herbs & Bunch Greens
Availability has tightened in recent weeks with escalated pricing. Supplies are expected to improve next week after growers have been dealing with freezing temperatures slowing growth. and delaying harvest.
OG Root Vegetables
Carrot Production has slowed with much cooler and wet weather this week interrupting production . Continue to plan ahead to get full coverage. Improved weather should help by the end of the month.
OG Leaf and Iceberg Lettuce
Leaf, Iceberg & Romaine   Romaine and Romaine Heart production slowed with Heavy Frost last weekend as well as impacted quality with much heavier epidermal peel and blister as well as increased discoloration.    Green and Red leaf  Production has slowed due to cold overnight temperatures also resulting in increased epidermal peel and discoloration. .  Weather appears to be improving which will help production but will increase Rib Discoloration due to Epidermal on Arrival
OG Citrus
Lemons, Oranges, Limes and Grapefruit   Strong demand throughout the entire Citrus category due to strong retail sales and revived foodservice activity. Mexico Lemon crop has slowed with continued heavy Choice fruit while California crop remains mostly Fancy grades although recent rains delayed harvest , sizing will be heaviest towards the larger sizes which will push smaller , retail bag size prices higher.  Lime quality and supplies remain inconsistent.  Navel production is expected to again pick up after weather delayed harvest the past couple weeks. The crop remains strong and quality has benefited  although sizing has begun to lean towards larger sizes , pushing the high demand, smaller size prices higher.  Clementines have resumed with moderate supplies although reduced yields, higher pricing is expected all season .Production of  Caras and Blood Oranges   have begun to show signs of improvement.

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