

Lettuce supplies returned to normal but many customers continue to be cautious with  high priced lettuce still in the system as the market has severely corrected. Not sure when  customer confidence will return  but look for supplies to continue to vary with many shippers leaving over mature fields behind and rain affected plantings may continue through May.  Quality  has been mostly good  with some  mildew  and over mature heads  showing issues on arrival.  Shopping for lighter weights and darker color spec is the best practice currently.

Mix Leaf
Romaine and Heart  markets bottomed out and demand is  slowly returning to normal .  Production will continue to vary as many shippers are still experiencing harvest schedules interrupted by Spring rains.  Quality has been very good  with mildew and fringe burn showing on occasion. Expect Demand to improve now that prices have adjusted but it will take a couple weeks for the equilibrium to take hold and gain buyers confidence.   Expect continued sporadic interruptions in supplies through  May.
Brussels Sprouts
Production continues from Mexico and Central California with mostly good quality. The market remains strong on strong demand.  Supplies are expected to lighten by the end of the month.
This market continue to gain momentum. There is simply not enough supply to cover widespread demand. Expect prices to remain strong through at least the next two weeks. Oxnard is the main growing area until Salinas starts production in early June. Cool weather this week is expected to continue into next week, slowing plant development and could delay the Salinas celery season.

Quality has been nice. Good color and overall structure and minimal seeder.

Michigan production is not expected to start until late June or early July.

Demand continues to exceed supplies.  Current market pricing will remain going into next week.  Supplies continue to be disrupted due to planting gaps caused by winter rains.  Shippers are trying to cover contracts only at this point leaving very little for the open market.  Please place any orders you may have in advance so that we can make sure to get your order covered.
The market is weakening as we head into the weekend.  Prices are sliding and feel like they will continue in this manner next week. Make sure any orders you are placing have price protection.

 Production for the Heirloom/ Green Globe  variety is  winding down from Castroville CA which currently has a medium sizing profile  but will start to peak on smaller sizes. Production of the seeded varieties with larger sizing profiles will  remain steady although with a much reduced flavor profile.

Limited domestic supplies from Salinas, Central  Valley, and the North West  continue with good  quality and strong demand. Limited supplies from Mexico are still available but with variable quality.  The market has peaked with increased offshore supplies from Peru and   the bulk of the Mother’s Day demand behind us.
Santa Maria and Watsonville has had decent volume but with the cooler weather it has slowed things down a bit. The cooler weather will be with us over the next 7-10 days, There are still really good numbers on organic Straws and Stems.
Off shore and Mexican cantaloupes struggled through another week of lackluster demand and ample to abundant supplies and the market accordingly traded a bit lower.  This was all complicated by the start of domestic production in Imperial Valley and Phoenix, although there was not much volume on these as yet.  Next week the Caribbean will still have one more week of good volume. Mexico will be steady and domestic production should pick up considerably.  We look for the market to be steady to lower next week with domestics trading at the top of the food chain but coming off in price.  The following week Caribbean production should fall, domestic will be in full swing and the market should find itself.


Like cantaloupes, honeydews struggled with week. One grower started domestically, and more should start next week but a few days later than cantaloupes.  Caribbean has about a week to go and Mexico will continue with steady and ample output. We look for a steady market  to lower market on dews next week

Organic Items
OG Broccoli & Cauliflower
Broccoli and Cauliflower production has hit another gap in supplies and have customers scrambling  to cover orders.  Better production is expected next week but shortages will remain.  Uneven supplies look to continue  through May.
OG  Herbs & Bunch Greens
Most of the Herbs and Bunching Greens continue with improving supplies.  Quality continues  to be very nice with occasional intermittent shortages. Expect Local Homegrown supplies to start increasing which will  lessen the dependence on West Coast supplies.
OG  Leaf and Lettuce
Supplies have improved but still sporadic  from Central Valley and Salinas.  Varying shortages will continue for the next couple weeks  although markets should be at a more sustainable level with homegrown offerings are expected to increase in coming weeks.
OG Root Vegetables
Carrots production will be strong for the next few weeks as weather has improved leaving it as one of the few commodities to promote. Potato and Onion demand has also been good with White and Yellow Onion supplies  transitioning more to Southern  and Central California with good  quality and availability.
OG Citrus
Steady production with mostly Larger profiles  continue on Lemons  with good demand for export keeping pressure on the market to remain active. Valencia production has started to ramp up with  Navels winding down. Peruvian Limes are in full swing with excellent quality.

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