Spiking Temperatures this week throughout California will result in reduced production from heat related harvest delays and quality issues in addition to already reduced acreage this summer. Overall demand remains steady but supplies are in flux leading to escalating prices. Quality was good entering the week as fields will be reevaluated later this week when temperatures are expected to recede to normal.
Leaf Lettuce
Romaine and Romaine Hearts Reduced Summer acreage in California along with this week’s spike in temperatures has led to tight supplies and firmer pricing. Quality remains good even with the Hot Temperatures especially Romaine Hearts although fields will be evaluated once the temperatures ease later this week.
Red leaf, Greenleaf and Boston Demand on Leaf continues steady with moderate supplies as the Eastern Homegrown season continues to offer significant freight savings.
The market is now at the bottom. Prices will remain at this low level through the week. There is availability out of Oxnard, Santa Maria and Salinas. The most aggressive pricing is coming out of the Oxnard and Santa Maria regions. Harvest will end in Oxnard by the end of the month.
Production of the Thornless varieties has become dominant. Sizing again is peaking on the Largest sizes.
As mentioned last week we are now seeing not only a gap in production out of both Santa Maria and Salinas but a few growers are having to deal with some brown bead and hollow core which is compounding the problem. Expectations are that pricing will continue to escalate through the week.
We will not see any price fluctuation this week. Markets will remain at current trading levels through the week. Overall quality has been nice. Good white domes with nice green jackets.
Brussels Sprouts
Supplies from Coastal California have improved although still a few weeks away from full production. Mexico season comes to a close. Markets have settled at current levels with promotional volume expected in coming weeks
Green Onions
Mexico supplies continue steady with varied quality. Hot Temperatures have impacted quality. Border delays remain an intermittent issue and have been magnified with the extra travel day.
Favorable weather continues to push fruit to maturity at a faster pace than normal. The 4th of July pull should keep the fruit moving into next week. Currently, fruit size is big in both the Salinas and Santa Maria areas, but should decrease as we move closer to the Holiday and the more mature fruit gets picked and shipments increase for the 4th of July pull.
North Carolina is beginning an uptrend with volume and will have good production into mid July. In California, Oxnard is coming off peak production and be consistent with the numbers for the next few weeks. Santa Maria and Watsonville are expecting an increase into and throughout the month of July.
The Central Mexico area is all but finished for the season. The Pueblo area will begin harvest next week with light numbers. the Baja area will begin its gradual decline into the middle of July then an uptrend will begin and take into August with good numbers.
Central Mexico is considered finished. Oxnard and North Carolina are considered finished for the season. New Jersey is beginning their season with light numbers and Baja numbers will be on the decline for the next few weeks. The pacific Northwest season is anticipating mid July start date.
Stone Fruit
Yellow Peach production will remain light this week. Yellow nectarine volume will be steady but on the lighter side this week. Apricots are still available this week in mostly large sizing. Plums volume will remain very light this week for us and will be subject to availability for the remainder of the month. The overall plum crop is this year is light and supplies are going to be tight all season. Volume will remain light this week on blacks as well and there’s a possibility of orders being prorated daily. Sizing will remain at a 50/55 and smaller this week. The 50’s will remain limited. Volume on reds will also remain tight for the next few weeks.
Mexican grapes are now in full production and there are plenty of pricing options available. Plenty of small fruit is available and shippers are making deals to move small product. Better quality fruit is demanding a premium and we are seeing multi-tiered pricing industry wide. Some shippers are holding onto their fruit in anticipation of lighter supplies towards the end of summer. Quality reports have been positive on most sizes and varieties coming out of Mexico.
Valencia oranges are in full production out of the California central valley. Navels are now completely finished until the import season begins in mid July. California valencias will continue through September. Quality has been excellent with good brix and color reported. Peak sizing is on 113 and 138 count fruit. Markets will likely stay strong for the duration of the summer, as overall crop is down from last years numbers.
Product is now being harvested on the California coast and pack outs are still predominantly fancy grade. Peak sizing is on 140 and 115 count fruit. Quality remains good overall, although there have been reports of some wind damage. There are some district 1 lemons still available at discounted pricing, although the product is aging and quality is declining quickly.
Steady demand this week on limes. Markets have mostly settled and have likely bottomed out for now. With rain expected in growing regions, supplies could begin declining next week. Sizing is peaking on 175 and 200 count fruit. Quality has improved over the past few weeks, although there have been some reports of blanching and oil spots.
Desert districts is still the prime source and will be next week as well. Volume is good, and most sizing is skewing large with a surplus of jbo 9s. Demand is a bit lackluster considering we are heading into the July 4th holiday but there are several retail promotions (mostly on regular 9s). Supply of smaller sizes is anemic. Quality is good but there is some fair fruit being discounted. Westside is not due to start until the first week in July (right around the holiday0 with volume a week later, although one shipper will have a brief flash of a few this weekend. We look for a steady market next week with continued dealing on fair product.
Desert and Mexico are the supply sources. Overall supplies are still light and demand is steady as is pricing. Sizes are still running to mostly regular 5 and 6s count with okay quality. There are a few 8s (mostly in Mexico) and some jbo 5 count which are getting a bit of a premium on price. Westside is not expected to start until around July 10th. We see a steady to somewhat higher market next week.
Dry Onions
The central valley of California is going strong with a few shipper already gapping in supplies. The market is stable in the $14 range with some shippers rattling their saber and thing about going higher. This is unheard of for these shippers. Water is still the big problem in California and will be for a while.
New Mexico is going and are few dollars higher than California based on freight advantage to the Midwest and east coast markets. DSA (dry sunken area) is popping up this year on reds and will be present for the balance of the season in New Mexico and California.
The local Michigan, Indiana, Washington deals are cooking and will be for the near future. Most of the Mexican deal has lighter supplies and the price is reflecting the lower supplies. Prices are in the high teens and low 20’s. Canada is now starting to ship , and will affect the deep east and Midwest supply picture. Washington is lightening up and is almost finished.
Organic Items
OG Broccoli & Cauliflower
Cauliflower and Broccoli Northern California production has been good although Hot temperatures have led to reduced supplies as quality has declined along with increased insect pressure while pricing continues to escalate. Expect supplies to remain light to moderate throughout the Summer.
OG Celery
Transition to Northern California has resulted in improved quality and availability as markets adjust to more sustainable levels. Hot temperatures could result in yield reductions in coming weeks.
OG Herbs & Bunch Greens
Production continues in Northern California with many items feeling the adverse effects of the Hot temperatures this week. Expect to see quality issues espeically with the more senistive commodities.
OG Root Vegetables
Carrot Production remains unstable especially as Hot temperatures will likely affect quality especially bunched Carrot Tops. Continue to plan ahead to get partial coverage.
OG Leaf and Iceberg Lettuce
Leaf, Iceberg & Romaine Romaine and Romaine Heart supplies remain steady although Hot temperatures could result in a reduction of quality and Supply.
Green and red leaf Overall supplies are steady as local homegrown production continues to influence West coast demand. Quality will be evaluated later this week as temperatures return to normal.
OG Citrus
Lemons, Oranges, Limes and Grapefruit Strong demand throughout the entire Citrus category due to strong retail sales and revived foodservice activity.
Lemon production continues to be light with prices firming and mostly Choice fruit available.
Lime quality and supplies are improving but remain inconsistent.
Valencia production has improved although still limited volume but good sizing. The overall crop is expected to be lighter than normal throughout the Summer.
Grapefruit supplies have peaked with lighter volume available.
OG Stone Fruit
Stone Fruit Improved Production on Yellow and White Peaches, Nectarines and Apricots with limited supplies of Plums and Pluots.. Good demand has kept prices elevated to start the season.
OG Melons
Melons Production from the Southern California Desert has come to an abrupt end as Hot Temperatures pushed quality over the edge. Transition to Northern California will begin later this week or next along with Cantaloupes and Honeydews
OG Grapes
Production from the Desert has started with improving supplies of Red and Green varieties .Quality continues to improve daily with product of Mexico still available at reduced prices.
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