

Lettuce market continues to be active.  Production continues to be hampered by quality issues affecting yields.  Overall acreage has increased but continued insect and disease pressure along with mild evening temperatures has resulted in less than optimal quality. Deals on 30 size lettuce will continue as the Salinas Valley season winds down over the next 3-4 weeks.

Brussels Sprout

The market has firmed with increased demand although production should start to increase heading into the peak of the California and Eastern Canadian season. Recent years have seen demand exceeding supply during the Fall/Winter season which should result in additional acres being planted for this upcoming season.

Mix Leaf 

Look for continued strong markets heading into the fall. Leaf markets have been relatively consistent although quality continues to show issues.  Trouble with local production around the country has kept enough demand out West to keep prices elevated.


Still a very active market, broccoli crowns pricing over the $20 mark out west. Demand is still strong and light inventories are fueling the fire.  There were fewer acres planted this year in California which has kept markets strong for broccoli.  Mexican crowns are coming into Texas but the recent hurricane has slowed production and more rain is expected this weekend.  This market should remain active through next week, but should top out by mid-week.   There are a few load volume deals on bunch.


This market is very active this week. After gaining momentum last week, this week’s harvests were lighter than anticipated and many shippers have sold out for the week.  Markets will top out in the mid 20’s by the end of the week and should top out as production improves. Quality is also improving, although there are still reports of yellowing due to long sunny days. We expect this market to hold steady into next week at the earliest.


This market remains flat; a trend that is expected to continue. Plenty of product available and shippers are making deals. More large sizes currently available. There are deals on volume type orders. Santa Maria and Salinas are the main growing regions. Quality is good overall, however there have been some reports of black heart, pith and insect damage in Santa Maria growing areas.


The strawberry market is steady with limited supplies in Santa Maria California and declining numbers in the Salinas/Watsonville area. Cooler night time temps the forecast for the Salinas/Watsonville area is partly cloudy skies, with highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s. The forecast for the Santa Maria area is mostly sunny skies with highs in the 70s and lows in the upper 50s. Salinas/Watsonville fruit is firm, with some bruising, over ripes, misshapen and irregular sizing. . Counts are averaging 22 to 24 and higher. Santa Maria fruit is fairly firm with occasional bruising and white shoulder. Counts are averaging 18 to 22. We continue to experience some labor shortages in the Watsonville areas.


Production has picked back up out of Guatemala, as well as some local deals in the U.S. numbers as well. Improved weather conditions is the main reason for increased available volume.


Blueberry production has shifted into Michigan and British Columbia, Canada. We have now seen the transition from Pints back to 6oz clams, most retailers have made this transition as well. The demand has leveled off, and the market remains steady with product becoming more available. The domestic season is nearing the end, with the Import season approaching over the few weeks.


Several larger retailers will be on Ad next week as volumes for Raspberries out of the watsonville were expected to increase this week but weather has pushed the expected increase in volume toward the end of the month. Supplies will be tight for the next few weeks.

The cantaloupe market is active and prices are a little higher.  Supplies seem to be limited this week, but new blocks are about to be harvested.  Arizona Fall melons are still a week away. Quality on all cantaloupe is mixed, with color getting more green. The honeydew market is steady with all sizes being offered.  Quality is good and supply is available.


The CA watermelon crop is sizing down, peaking on 45ct and smaller sizes. Quality is excellent and the market seems to have stabilized. Seeded are still available in limited quantities.  Mini seedless are still in production but CA shippers are finishing quickly.  We will see Mexican supplies by mid October, barring any adverse weather conditions.


They grape market has been steady and supplies are ample on all varieties.  The industry is now packing Scarlet Royal and Crimson variety red seedless.  The industry is winding down on Thompson seedless and starting to pack Autumn Kings.  There are good supplies of Autumn Royals and Red Globes at this time with quality being excellent at this time.


Valencia’s –  There are good supplies of 56-72-88’s, the 113-138’s are very limited on both grades. Fruit quality is fair. Navels – Are offshore and in good supplies on 36-40-48-56. Limited supplies of 72-88 and a few 105-113 are available.

Lemons – We are starting to see more new crop lemons. District III and Mexican supplies are in better volume. Offshore lemons are still coming in. Mostly 165-200-235 here, district III is packing out 70% fancy and 20% choice. We are going to see adjustments in the market. Grapefruit – This will be the last week for California grapefruit. New crop will start in October.


The Green Bell Pepper market is stabilizing.  Supplies are limited but available, starting to wind down in the West.   The red and yellow bell pepper market should remain steady and seems to be peaking this week  Zucchini and yellow squash are very active in California, but supplies will increase by next week as Nogales will start crossing.

Cucumber market is strong and supplies are slowing down out of Baja, but will begin increasing as Nogales starts to cross.

Tree Fruit is wrapping up quickly and most items are on their last variety. Peaches seem to have a decent supply of Tray – packed fruit, but VF fruit is very limited.Nectarines are finished for the season. The plum market is staying active and strong as the last varieties are being harvested now.

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