Not that we had to remind anyone, but, we are entering the Dog Days of August. As if record heat throughout the midwest and east coast isn’t enough of a sign. Normally, local deals kick in throughout the areas with lettuce, celery, fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, and other items appearing in local fruit stands and stores. While there should be plenty of product to go around, the record heat waves could effect certain items and put pressure on the west coast. At least, that is what the shippers out west are HOPING for.

Long range weather in the growing areas of Salinas and Santa Maria show continued mild days and nights, with highs in the 70s, and overcast(fog) in the night and early morning. Fresno area show continued hot, with highs in the high 90s and low 100s. Both areas are normal for this time of year.

Trucks are available for all areas of the country, with steady rates for this time of year.

LETTUCE–after a run up last week, demand has fallen off, and prices more “flexible”. Even with volume and yields down, and shippers thinking they can raise prices, “fruit” salads are replacing “lettuce” salads for lunch and dinner this time of year. Lettuce quality is mostly good, but we would like to see a bit more size and weight.

BROCCOLI–volume down, but the shippers can’t push their markets upĀ  too much, with supplies out of Michigan, Canada, and Maine areas producing good numbers. We don’t see demand for broccoli improving out west for another month, or so.

CAULIFLOWER–this market is also going south, after higher markets last week raised retail prices. There is quite a spread right now, with as much as a $5.00/box difference on 12s, depending upon the shipper and area. Good item to shop around for.

LEAF ITEMS–no change. Romaine, which had gotten stronger last week, has come down. Red and green leaf can’t establish any momentum at all, and are at, or near, the bottom.

CELERY–there is a real price spread between Dole and the rest of the pack. For instance, on 36 size, there is as much as a $6.00/box SPREAD between Dole and the “mostly” market. Do they warrant this kind of difference? Some people think so. Still, if you don’t have to have Dole, there are plenty of deals out there. Michigan is getting hammered with record heat, so we could see the California demand and market go up next week.

STRAWBERRIES–most shippers have PEAKED, and are starting to drop off in supplies. There will still be plenty of fruit around, especially with local markets in the east, so not to worry. Still, Driscoll says they are going to raise their prices by $2.00/box next week! We’ll see.

Ed Brem

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