Freeze in the desert


As you are probably aware, an arctic cold blast has hit the desert growing regions of Coachella Valley, Imperial Valley, Yuma, and Phoenix areas the past 3 days. Lows have dipped into the low 20s for 6-8 hours each night, and this is having devastating effects on the vegetable crops. We have sent pictures out to illustrate how bad things are. Shippers are trying to harvest what they can, but can only get into the fields until noon, or even later, then have to quit by 4-5 in the afternoon. Product won’t grow, and what is out there is getting seriously damaged. Markets are going crazy, and shippers are canceling ALL ads until further notice. However, the worst part is that the quality is not just a short term situation. Product will be seriously effected for another 3-4 weeks, at least, and shippers are selling product with their “disclaimer”, which states that “freeze damage is not scorable”. So, when a Federal inspection is called for, any defect that is freeze effected, can NOT be scored. In other words, they are selling their product AS IS!
Getting this kind of a freeze is commonplace in December or early January, but  VERY rare for February. Things are supposed to warm up starting this weekend, but the damage is done. The shippers will do their very best to trim off the freeze effected product, but we ask that you be understanding and expect the WORST. We will continue to send pictures and other information as it becomes available so you can keep your customers informed.

Ed Brem
Produce West

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