More Rain Forecasted for California

We can’t seem to get into our Spring weather here in “sunny” California. Normally after the first of April, we basically shut off the faucet and won’t get any more measurable rain until October or November. This year has been goofy. We are forecasted for more rain Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, with with a possibility of more for  next week. This continues to mess up the the strawberries, most of all.
Long range weather shows rain scheduled in the Salinas and Oxnard areas for tomorrow and Wednesday, then clearing for the weekend. This also means cooler temperatures.
Trucks are more abundant early this week, after nearly impossible last weekend. Still, rates are continuing their slow climb upward as we get into later Spring.

LETTUCE–Huron is rapidly winding down, and Salinas is starting to pick up some numbers. There is also lettuce available in Santa Maria, and even the desert. With this kind of spread in regions, the market is also wide spread. In fact, there is as much as a $5.00/box SPREAD in the market on wrap 24s. The best lettuce is probably coming out of Salinas.

BROCCOLI–steady prices on bunch and crowns. The overall market is pretty good for the shippers, and they would be happy to keep prices where they are.

CAULIFLOWER–still VERY light supplies on all sizes, and  fob prices are still in the low $20’s. This is mainly due to the cooler temperatures and persistent threats of rain. Retails are now being adjusted at the receiving end, so we should see demand start to drop off towards the end of this week.

LEAF ITEMS–fairly wide range in  prices for red, green, and romaine. Supplies are coming out of the desert, Oxnard, Santa Maria, Huron, and Oxnard. It’s tough to find the best deals, but if you look hard enough, they are there.

CELERY–continued fair demand and steady prices. There are deals out there on the “non preferred” labels, so look around.

STRAWBERRIES–last weekend was a REAL mess. No supplies to speak of, and just about everyone was pro rating orders. ESPECIALLY Driscoll, with pro rates exceeding 75%. This early week isn’t much better, especially with rain coming in tomorrow and the next day. Most receivers are trying to front load product today.

Ed Brem

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