Whether it is the end of the month, the economy, too much available product, or a combination of all three, there just isn’t much excitement out there for produce. We’re hoping for better things to come in February.

Long range weather for the next 10 days in the desert growing regions show normal seasonal highs in the mid 70s, and lows in the middle to upper 40s. No rain. As far as the rest of the state of California, we are HURTING. No rain forecasted for the next 10 days, in the time of year where we do get most of our rainfall and snow pack. This is shaping up to be one of the worst years on record.

Trucks are abundant, especially since the business out there is so slow. Rates are flexible to most areas of the country.


LETTUCE–quality slowly improving, although we would like to see better size and weights out there. The choice we have is buying young, green, healthy lettuce, but small and light weights, or heavier lettuce that is older, harder, and more pale. The market is FLAT for head lettuce, and what shippers can’t sell fob, they roll to terminals, thus depressing the market further.


BROCCOLI–plenty of supplies and prices are low. Good item to advertise.


CAULIFLOWER–this market appears to have bottomed out, as shippers are finally catching up on their fields. We could see the market up $3-5.00/box by this time next week. You may want to bump up your orders for loading this weekend.


LEAF ITEMS–plenty of romaine, and prices are drifting downward. Green leaf is finally coming of its season high price, and is now more in line with red leaf. Quality is improving daily on all leaf items, as we continue to slowly get out of the effected product from December’s hard hit freeze.


CELERY–after weeks of high prices, even celery is finally coming off. Just no business. Still, there continues to be a pretty good spread in price between 24s and 36s, with as much as a $5.00/box spread in price. Now is the time to shop for celery deals.


ASPARAGUS–plenty of grass out there, although prices seem to have hit the bottom. One of the larger shippers told us that they are “drawing a line in the sand” and won’t go any lower, which is further evidence that the market has hit the bottom. Quality is VERY nice in the desert.


STRAWBERRIES–with no rain, quality of California berries are EXCELLENT. Big, hard, and terrific tasting berries are available in Oxnard, as well as San Diego, Yuma, and McAllen, Texas. Not to mention Florida, which is where most of the fruit is coming from this time of year. Still, you won’t be disappointed in California fruit.


Ed Brem

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