Transition Time

This is the final week for the majority of product loading in the desert areas. While some shippers will continue to go on various items there for a few more weeks, the major items, such as lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, leaf, and celery, will move northward. But, with this transitional time comes its share of issues. We will now have lettuce in the Huron, Salinas, Santa Maria, and what is left in the desert. The same goes for broccoli and cauliflower. Trucks, which are already starting to tighten up, will be looking for more money because of the extra miles coming to these new areas. With good action and movement last week on items such as strawberries, asparagus, broccoli crowns, and assorted other items, things have really slowed down, so its time to get to work and PROMOTE!!
Long range weather forecast show a few changes. We are forecasted for some rain this week in Salinas and the rest of central California. It looks like we get some precipitation in the berry country of Oxnard and Santa Maria. We haven’t had any rain for almost a month, so it may cause some problems, depending upon how much we get.
Trucks, as mentioned above, are looking for more money as we get into April. Also, now that we are moving out of the desert and going north,  truckers will be looking for more money there, as well. Also, keep in mind that as we move to Salinas, that adds an additional 7-8 hours to the hauling time.

LETTUCE–we are starting to see a wider range in price as we see more areas kick in. Overall,  the market is a bit stronger early week, and shippers could look for more. But, demand is only fair, so they may hit some resistance. Quality is another factor. As the desert finishes, that lettuce is looking tired. The new areas on Huron and Salinas are starting out with small to medium head size, hard, and some internal problems. VERY typical for transition time.

BROCCOLI–definitely more crowns showing up now. If you recall, the past 3 weeks there has been  a REAL challenge for crowns, with as much as a $5-7.00/box SPREAD. There continues to be an abnormal spread, but not nearly as bad, with only $2-4.00/box range between bunch and crowns. This will narrow even more as crown supplies continue to improve.

CAULIFLOWER–still some good deals on 12s. We anticipate that as our weather turns cooler this week, supplies will lighten, and the market will certainly go up. NOW is the time to jump on the deals.

LEAF ITEMS–supplies coming from around 6 different areas. Yuma, Coachella, Oxnard, Santa Maria, Salinas, and Huron. This is creating a wide range in price for red, green, boston, and romaine, with ALL trending lower.

CELERY–as the desert finishes, the shift for supplies goes almost exclusively to Oxnard. With that,  the overall market is stronger, especially with the “preferred” labels such as Dole, T&A, and Duda. Rain is forecasted in Oxnard later this week, which won’t help harvesting.

STRAWBERRIES–berries out west are still going for SONG. The “perfect storm” has happened, with Florida pumping out volume and California no where to go with their product. However, we are forecasted for rain in Oxnard later this week, which could cut supplies. Shipper will actually WELCOME that.

ASPARAGUS–we got through Easter demand without a scratch. Lots of ads, and supplies were there. Few, if any, pro rates. Nice to see that for a change. Currently, the market is strong, with West coast business still going out today and tomorrow.

Ed Brem

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