After experiencing the driest, mildest December, January, and February on record in northern and central California, we continue to get storm after storm in March and now April. This keeps temperatures cool and slows growth of upcoming tree fruit, grapes, strawberries, and various other items. To give an idea, cherries are going to be 2-3 weeks BEHIND normal schedule.

Long range weather in southern and central California show scattered rain forecasted for tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday, followed by a break over the weekend, and another chance of rain this time next week.

Trucks are a bit tight this week, with rates stronger. This is probably due to trucks coming back out west from Easter. Also, due to the economy, business is slow for products such as furniture, machine parts, dairy products, and other items that would come west.


LETTUCE–still not much change in the market, with demand slow and prices flat. Supplies mostly coming out of the Huron area, as well as Santa Maria. Still a few shippers left in the desert areas. Quality is still not real sharp. Since demand is slow, some lettuce remains in the field too long and gets tired. Instead of moving on to fresher fields, some shippers pack the old lettuce, and it shows up OLD. We’re trying to go with shippers that are staying on top of their fields.


BROCCOLI–a bit wider range in price. Some shippers are desperately trying to get the market off the floor, while others are just trying to move product. We are seeing a $2-3.00/box spread in price, depending upon the area and shipper. Overall, though, prices remain fairly low.


CAULIFLOWER–like broccoli, there is a bit of a price range, with a $2-3.00/box spread on 12s, between labels and areas. Overall, the market is fairly flat. There are also 9s available, although with the cool weather, there are fewer around.


LEAF ITEMS–no change. Plenty of red, green, and romaine, and prices remain at, or near, the bottom. Supplies coming out of Huron, Santa Maria, Oxnard, and a few shippers still going in the desert areas.


CELERY–no change here, either. There continues to be a wide spread in price, particularly on the smaller sizes. Dole and T&A continue to price out $3-4.00/box more than the general market. Supplies generally in Oxnard and Santa Maria, with some shippers consolidating in Salinas for an up charge.


STRAWBERRIES–supplies remain VERY tight due to cool, wet conditions. Scattered rain is forecasted in berry country for tonight, tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday. This will keep things messed up ALL WEEK. Quality, while improved, will go back to showing problems, depending upon how much rain we get the next few days. Still, expect some leather spotting, dirty, light colored fruit for the next week to 10 days, depending. That is ALL there is.


Ed Brem

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