Supply continues to run ahead of Demand as many growers will begin transitional production areas which will offer multiple loading locations boosting supplies even further in coming weeks. Quality should improve in some of these new production areas including Las Cruces,NM as Salinas growers deal with sun scald from weekend temperature spike as well as insect, tipburn and seeder pressure resulting in varied solidity, color and texture.
Leaf Lettuce
Romaine Romaine supplies continue steady with improving demand , mostly from the East. Quality remains mostly good with some mildew, tip burn and seeder pressure resulting in some discoloration , twist and ribbiness. INSV has increased in some areas although still manageable.
Romaine Heart supplies also remain steady with improving demand but heavily tiered pricing.
Red leaf, Green leaf and Boston Continue with steady supplies with improving demand from the East Coast which will result in elevated pricing as shippers look to push prices closer to break even levels. Quality has been varied with mildew and tipburn expected to remain.
The market remains flat in all growing areas and shippers are looking to move product. As we head into the later part of October we expect pricing to increase as the Salinas and Santa Maria districts wind down harvest. Oxnard should start harvest around the middle of November. Celery plantings continue to go in as planned In Oxnard,CA. Temperatures have started to decline which should be beneficial to the celery crop in aiding with supressing any large Fusarium outbreaks.
Steady go as we finish out the week. Market seems slightly weaker now than at the end of last week, but there will not be an increase in harvest volume as we finish out the Salinas season so pricing will not fluctuate much over the next month or so. We are still seeing an increase in volume out of Central Mexico loading in the McAllen valley and this is where the price buy would be for crowns.
There was a significant jump in pricing at the end of last week. It seems as though the market has topped out and we expect to see a decline in pricing going into next week. Quality of late has been hit and miss. We are still finding some product with light brown spotting but not as noticeable as it was last week.
Fall production of the Thornless variety yielding a full sizing profile. Limited quantities of the Green Globe variety are also available for a couple more weeks.
Brussels Sprouts
Domestic production has begun to improve in Northern California as quality , higher yields and acres increase with some growers beginning mechanical harvest . Prices have started to recede slowly but should accelerate in coming weeks .
Green Onions
Production has been slowly ramping up with Growers in Mexico now mostly in new fields with improved quality and yields boosting supplies as prices recede. Tropical storms in Southern Mexico may interrupt harvest later this week if they reach the Northern production areas.
The fruit out of the Salinas and Watsonville area is of fair quality with misshapen and overripe fruit being reported. Conventional sizing will continue to run small. Most ranches are picking 26 to 28 ct fruit. Production will continue to decrease throughout October. The Santa Maria area is producing good fruit quality with occasional pinot and light colored fruit being reported. The fall crop fruit is averaging 18 to 22 ct. The Oxnard area fruit is running larger in size, with supplies increasing every week. The Quality has been nice with full color and good fruit shape. Warmer temps are expected out of Oxnard next week, so we may see volume increasing out of this area in the short term. The Mexican fruit has met some weather related challenges from a few weeks ago. There have been a few reports of bruising and decay. We expect these challenges to clean up over the next 7 to 10 days.
Overall production will be limited for the next couple of weeks as Mexico moves on from the recent wet weather patterns. California’s production has already passed its peak and is anticipated to decline gradually for the remainder of the season.
We expect light numbers on the first shipment of Mexican Blackberries. They will start light, but ramp rather quickly week over week. Weather permitting, we are expecting a good outlook for this season and normal progression.
The overall production continues to be limited as El Nino-related weather continues to keep Peruvian production limited. Light production, combined with good demand will continue to keep Peruvian product near non-existent for the next several weeks. Argentina is forecasting heavy inclement weather over the weekend that will limit their production as well. Cooler domestic temperatures will help improve quality on the remaining Oregon, Washington, Michigan product, so these may be the options to go with for the next week as we expect light shipment out of Peru and Argentina.
Stone Fruit
The white and yellow peach season is finishing, and the availability of white and yellow nectarines is limited. Black and red plum quality is marginal and fewer are available overall. As we approach the conclusion of the California stone fruit season, pricing will continue to climb until the offshore season begins.
California’s grape season has been shorter than expected and shortages are widespread. Red seedless grapes, particularly Scarlet Royals, are in short supply. Green seedless grapes are more available, although still tight overall, keeping pricing firm. Brazilian imports on the East Coast will help stabilize the green seedless grape market in October. However, red seedless grapes are becoming scarcer, with potential price increases in late October or early November, depending on quality and variety. Peru will be the primary source for red seedless grapes, but significant volumes won’t arrive until at least mid-November, keeping pricing high.
72 count and larger are currently in high demand, while 88, 113, and 138 supplies are selling out daily. 6-week averages are currently in effect. Navels will likely start last week of October. The season is expected to begin slowly, with common sizes being 88, 72, and 56. This year’s harvest will have a higher proportion of top-quality fruit (about 60%), which may stabilize the fancy fruit market in the U.S. However, there might be a decrease in exported fruit due to quality concerns.
Product is now available in the desert regions, although supplies are limited and will remain light through the early part of November. District 1 is scheduled to start the middle of November. Mexican fruit is limited and volumes will likely remain light for the near future. This year’s overall crop will be at least 10-15% lighter than last year and there will be an excess of choice fruit available in the coming months.
When discussing large fruit, costs continue to be high. The result being a substantial pricing disparity across different sizes. The market’s stability in the coming weeks is contingent on demand. Severe weather has adversely affected the recent bloom, potentially leading to unprecedented pricing and availability for the remainder of the year when compared to historical norms. Adding insult to injury, extreme heat and humidity have negatively impacted fruit quality and shelf life. Presently, small fruit, such as 230’s and 250’s, dominate the market, while larger fruit remains in short supply.
Just as things were getting back to normal, Supplies will be impacted by two weather systems. This has caused quite a bit of chaos after a couple weeks of high yields. Some relief was felt when the harvest slowed down last week, in hopes of reducing the excess inventory pressure and return to a sense of normalcy this week. However, now we’re dealing with unpredictable heavy rains, which is making it a challenge to maintain supplies until the weekend when the storms are expected to pass. While inventories have decreased a bit from last week, reports are that there are still enough avocados for about a week’s worth of business, with some sizes being more readily available than others. Due to the urgency to meet short-term needs, prices have gone up a bit, but we anticipate things will return to normal once the weather improves. Here are some important points to remember for this week: There are more 32’s and 36’s available. Good supply of 40’s,48’s, 60’s, and 70’s. 84’s are available and #2’s are becoming more available.
Dry Onion
Hang on…it’s getting a little bumpy in the onion patch. Spot market pricing is dipping to the lowest levels of the recent past. Deals are being made for volume orders and the contracts are being squeezed. Demand is still low and the market is adjusting lower to maintain shed production.
USDA reports there is a” Wide range in quality”. Seediness is the major culprit with hot, dry conditions in growing areas of Mexico. Prices have strengthened in the past week and demand is steady in the mid $20’s for Peru and the high to low $30’s for Mexico. Volume is steady for what’s out there.
Transition time. The Westside is winding down quickly and will be effectively wrapped this week. Sizes are spread out and running a bit smaller peaking on 9s and 12s with some smaller sizes. Overall supplies are light and availability limited. Desert is easing in but at a slower pace. Sizes are starting large (jbo and reg 9s mostly) and supplies are light with limited availability. Most product in both areas are being oversold on contractual commitments leaving precious few for spot market sales. Mexico is starting in a small way running mostly 9, 12s and 15s. Quality and sugar is fair. Demand for spot market is very slow as many loaded up at the first sign of Westside finishing and are holding off for now until there is better availability and lower prices, which should happen mid to end of next week.
Also in transition. Supplies are light. Quality is fair and prices are quite high on the Westside. Desert will not start until next week. Mexico has started with fair quality and sugar. Supplies are light there as well but should increase by the weekend. Market should stay elevated with few supplies for spot market business until late next week but more likely the week after next.
Organic Items
OG Broccoli & Cauliflower
Broccoli production in Salinas and Santa Maria has improved slightly after being limited by quality issues , especially insect pressure and pin rot. Cauliflower supplies have now become increasingly limited as some plants were damaged with the spike in temperatrure this past weekend.
OG Celery
Production from Salinas and Santa Maria has been steady along with pricing. Quality remains mostly good to fair with increasing insect pressure and pith. Demand is expected to improve in coming weeks which will likely lead to more active pricing.
OG Herbs & Bunch Greens
Production remains varied among growers in Northern California although with sufficient supplies and mostly good quality .
OG Leaf and Iceberg Lettuce
Leaf, Iceberg & Romaine Lettuce production has seen increased quality issues with mildew, insect pressure as well as increased tipburn from this weekends heat spike all resulting in varied quality. Markets remain mostly steady this week as demand continues to be modest.
Green and Red leaf Supplies remain steady with improving demand. Prices remain mostly steady with varied quality including increasing insect, mildew and fringe burn continuing to limit supplies through the Fall.
OG Citrus
Lemons, Oranges, Limes and Grapefruit Strong demand throughout the entire Citrus category due to strong retail sales and revived foodservice activity.
Lemon Mexico supplies continue to peak on smaller Choice fruit. California has limited production in the desert.
Lime quality and supplies remain inconsistent with varied prices.
California Valencias crop will be winding down in most areas with below normal production and strong demand Navels are still a few weeks out.
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