

Transition to the Central Valley for a few shippers has  begun this week which will create overlapping supplies for those suppliers. Most shippers avoid the Fall transition and choose to extend their season until the desert transition next month.  The overlap will create an increase in production and will likely depress the market until demand shifts fully to the West. Quality continues to vary in Salinas and Huron with size, shape and color but overall healthy.   Additional growing areas in Las Cruces, NM  are underway as well shipping good quality with reduced transportation cost.


Mix Leaf

Similar to Iceberg  a few  shippers will transition  to the Central  Valley but the majority will continue in Salinas and Santa Maria Valley’s until the desert transition in November.  Quality has been mostly good  with varying defects. Demand  also continues to vary waiting for the East coast local production to wind down.  Sporadic buying from the east temporarily elevated prices but production is starting to ramp up in California in anticipation of better demand giving buyers affordable options.


Brussels Sprouts

Supplies continue  to increase as most growers are well into their freezer production which directly affect  fresh market  supplies.  Much improved quality and yields , ongoing harvest from Canada and early  production from  Mexico will all contribute to a healthy supply for the Fall season.  The market is slowly adjusting but will be offset by the high demand  associated with the Holidays.



Michigan production is coming to an end. The past few months have been productive for Midwest and eastern growing regions, keeping markets sluggish.  With production slowing in Michigan we will expect demand to continue increasing in California.  Oxnard production is expected to start at the end of this month, which will overlap Salinas production until mid-November.  Markets could get very strong by the beginning of November and continue through the Thanksgiving pull.  Quality remains nice industry wide.



The week started off with lighter supplies but the light rain we had over the weekend and the warmer weather expected for the latter part of the week should increase supplies.  Prices will trend lower as we finish the week.  Mexico will continue to increase harvest volume as the month progresses filling the void from lack of homegrown supplies on the East Coast.  Quality in all areas has been good.  Nice tight domes and good green color.



Higher harvest volume is expected to finish the week and going into next week.  Markets will decline over the next few days.  Sizing is flip flopping from the last few weeks as there will be more 9 size and less 16 size available.  Quality is nice, bright white color and full green jackets.



The market continues  to be mostly depressed with  light demand. As the weather cools  around the country look for improved demand  and  higher pricing.  Quality continues to be excellent with most supplies being the thornless hybrid varieties.  The preferred Heirloom or Green Globe variety will only be available in limited supplies  until  early Spring.



The rains from this past weekend in the California grower regions will certainly have a negative effect on quality. Expect soft fruit and prorated orders for the next week as growers were forced to strip plants and spraying for Mildew last Monday and Tuesday. There will be a wide range of pricing as quality defects such as bruising, soft shoulder, overripe and white shoulder are the norm right now. Mexico will begin shipments as early as this weekend. Early quality reports have been favorable .


There will be an increase in production this week as the Central Mexico numbers increase. Supplies will be promotable next week.


Though Central Mexico production has been challenging do to varying weather conditions, demand has been off, so we expect steady supplies on fair demand through next week. Blackberries have begun to cross out of McAllen as well.


Currently the growing regions are Baja,Chile,Central Mexico, California, Peru & Argentina.  Volume is expected to ramp up over the coming weeks and suppliers will be looking to promote.



The Westside is done and there are fewer producers going in the desert than normal. Sizes are skewing to 12s and 15s this week but there could be more 9s next week.  Demand is going into off-season mode as is supplies. We look for larger sizes to open active and higher Monday the calm and fade by midweek



Supplies are tight and the market is higher as the desert is just ramping up and northern areas are done. Nogales has taken some steam out of trading as they have ample supplies. Next week the desert should pick up production and the market should be weaker




Seedless watermelon are for the most part done domestically. Imports out of Mexico are beginning to increase with crossings in Nogales and McAllen. Sizes are mostly 45s with  a few 36s and 45s. Volume will increase towards the end of next week and market should be weakening. Produce West and its supplier Peacock will have melons amiable daily in McAllen.  We are currently packing bins and cartons.


East Coast Veg

Produce West will have a supply of East Coast Veg available . We have started handpicked green beans out of Georgia and will transition into Florida this week. We will also have from Florida , Zucchini, Yellow squash ,  and Pickles . All will be available in carton or 24oz bags. FS upon request.

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