
Conventional Items
Transition season has begun with most areas fully operational. In an effort to maintain a seamless supply many growers extended their acreage into transitional production areas which appears to be leading to an overlapping surplus although with varying quality. Once the transitional glut passes later next month , supplies are expected to ease back to normal and growers will try to push prices closer to breakeven FOBs. In the meantime take advantage of the promotable surplus including Production from Las Cruces, NM which continues to offer some of the best quality with all the logistical advantages.
Leaf Lettuce
Romaine  Romaine supplies continue steady with improving demand , Quality remains mostly varied, with some seeder, twist and discoloration especially on heavier , pale Romaine

Romaine Heart  supplies also remain steady with even wider quality issues. Growers harvesting smaller, greener hearts continue to have the best arrivals .

Red leaf, Greenleaf and Boston  Steady supply with improving demand from the East Coast which will result in elevated pricing as shippers look to push prices closer to break-even levels. Quality has been varied with mildew and tipburn expected to remain.

We are not finding any real increases in pricing but there seems to be a slighlty better demand, especially from East Coast customers. Expectations are for prices to increase slightly next week and look for further pricing increases as we head into the week of October 30th and the start of the Holiday pull. The Oxnard disrtict is scheduled to start the week of November 16th with Santa Maria and Salinas shipping through the middle of December.
There is good availability out of both Santa Maria and Salinas and shippers are looking for business. Crown sizing in California is trending from 4.5” to 5.5” with medium size heads. Bunch is trending 2-3 stalks for 14s and 3-4 stalks for 18s. We are finding the  occasional mechanical damage, light pin rot, and very occasional hollow stem. The current influx of product from Central Mexico shipping out of McAllen,TX is not helping the market either. Run your ideas by us!!
Cauliflower is currently being harvested in the Salinas and Santa Maria Valley. Overall sizing is trending mainly toward 12s with a few 9s and some 16s. We are finding the occasional bacterial spotting, slight bruising, and some curd spreading. Product is fresh, the quality is great, and supplies are very good. Let us know if you are looking for anything extra. Yuma harvest will begin on or around November 11th. Salinas and Santa Maria should have availability through the month of November.
Fall production of the Thornless variety yielding a full sizing profile. Limited quantities of the Green Globe variety are also available for another week
Brussels Sprouts
Domestic production has  begun to surge in Northern California as quality , higher yields and acres increase with some growers beginning mechanical harvest . Prices have finally receded quicker this week . Take advantage of promatable offerings for the Holidays.
Green Onions
Production has mostly returned to normal as growers in Mexico concentrate on improving quality and yields. Supplies as expected to increase for the next couple weeks before cooler weather sets in later next month when historically demand ramps up quickly.
The Fruit out of Mexico is beginning to trickle in as cloudy and humid weather continues to persist. Grower in Mexico have been cleaning their fields up over the past week, in order to avoid further quality challenges down the road. We should see volume to increase week over week as the weather moves out of the area. The Oxnard area may be looking at lower volumes as the forecast is for cooler weather next week. In Santa Maria, the summer plants are producing less fruit as we move towards the end of their season. Santa Maria’s winter plants continue to produce nice fruit and should continue for the next few weeks before down-trending. Salinas and Watsonvile continue with light numbers and should extend into November as long as quality remains good.
Good numbers continue out of Mexico and the area should reach peak production next before beginning to decline week over week as we approach 2024. California’s production has passed peak numbers and will continue to decline for the remainder of the year. Oxnard, Santa Maria and the Baja region are facing declining and somewhat limited numbers into November.
As an industry, the supply of Blackberries remains lower primarily due to the lingering effects of the rains in Mexico. We should see better supplies beginning the 1st week of November out of Mexico as long as mother nature cooperates. Baja will continue with low volume for the next few weeks, but the quality has been good. Oxnard continues with light volume and working through occasional quality issues. There have been reports of leaky berries and red cell.
Production is past its peak in the Baja region and volumes will steadily decline into December. As we approach November, we can expect an increase in fruit out of Mexico, with more significant volumes forecasted for the latter part of November. We expect shipments of Peruvian fruit to start arriving in the ports this week and next. The early shipments of the Peruvian fruit has been nice showing good quality, condition and flavor.
Stone Fruit
The yellow and white nectarines have concluded their season. White peaches are also finished for the season, while yellow peaches will be available for one more week. Black and red plums are currently available in a variety of sizes. Offshore fruit season is still a few weeks away.
Shippers are currently packing limited quantities of red and green seedless grapes daily, which, along with high production costs, has led to this slower packing process. We anticipate a steady supply situation continuing into the upcoming week and similar market conditions at least until mid-November. While the quality has been mixed, the overall reports have been positive.
Valencia oranges continue to experience strong demand, particularly for sizes 88 count and smaller, where demand surpasses supply. Larger sizes, specifically 88 count and above, are currently peaking in terms of sizing, while 113 and 138 count sizes are relatively limited in availability. In the upcoming weeks, we anticipate a market progression as supplies become more abundant. The offshore navel season is drawing to a close, further impacting the overall citrus market.
Demand has strengthened across the board. Domestic supplies are tightening, with limited availability expected in the coming weeks. Offshore fruit is nearing the end of its season, which will further strengthen markets. This shift in market dynamics, with heightened demand and diminishing offshore supply, indicates a period of increased stability and potentially rising prices for lemons in the near term.
Lime prices have softened ever so slightly over the past week, yet the sizing has not changed much. Large fruit is still tighter on supplies, yet we are seeing more availability. High pricing has also curbed some of the demand. Unfortunately, the weather continues to be a challenge in Mexico and this most recent storm may have impacts on harvesting. We dont expect things to change significantly for the next several weeks, but will continue to monitor and report what we learn.
As we were beginning to see the pipeline refilled, a major storm has set its sights on Michoacan in Southern Mexico. Hurricane Otis will have an impact on harvest and this does not bode well for those seeking large fruit. Inventories are plentiful on small sizes, but that could be affected by buyers being flexible and changing size requirements for the short term. 60’s through 84’s reportedly in good supply, whereas 32’s through 48’s are going to be a challenge. Otis is forecast to reach the growing region of Michoacan today (Wed Oct 25) by early late afternoon evening with winds between 40-75mph.
The waiting game continues for volume to pick up in Yuma and the Imperial Valley, as vines fight effects of Whitefly and diseases, severely cutting yields. Sizes are skewing large but contracts and other previous commitments are being severely prorated or even cancelled due to the aforementioned shortage. The west side is virtually history. Mexico continues to ship but has mostly small sizes available and they continue to be shunned by markets east of the Mississippi. Offshore melons are dribbling in but are few and far between and we are hearing they are struggling with low brix. Next week remains a question. The desert has plenty of fields but it remains to be seen if they will ever get any yields. Offshore arrivals should be slowly increasing in FLA, but it will take a bit to get them through arrival protocols, and we don’t know what the quality will be. Stay tuned.
Once again the story arc is the same for honeydews as with cantaloupes, but everything is several days later. Mexico is shipping some smaller sizes. Yuma for all intents and purposes is not really in any notable production. Off shore will be end of next week or the following week. We need to stay tuned and stand by on dews as well.
Organic Items
OG Broccoli & Cauliflower
Broccoli production in Salinas and Santa Maria has improved after being limited by quality issues . Cauliflower supplies have steadied as well as both markets have receded to more sustainable levels.
OG Celery
Production from Salinas and Santa Maria has been steady along with pricing. Quality remains mostly good to fair with increasing insect pressure and pith. Demand is expected to improve in coming weeks which will likely lead to more active pricing as growers try to lift the market for the Holiday season.
OG Herbs & Bunch Greens
Production remains varied among growers in Northern California although with sufficient supplies and mostly good quality . Transitional production will begin in coming weeks which should lead to increased supplies although possible logistical challenges .
OG Leaf and Iceberg Lettuce
Lettuce production continues with varied quality issues with mildew, insect pressure , seeder and twist resulting in discoloration on arrivals. Markets remain mostly steady this week as demand continues to be modest.

Green and Red leaf   Steady supply with improving demand as Prices remain mostly steady.  Insect, mildew and fringe burn continuing to limit supplies through the Fall.

OG Citrus
Lemons, Oranges, Limes and Grapefruit  Strong demand throughout the entire Citrus category due to strong retail sales and revived foodservice activity.

Lemon  Mexico supplies continue to peak on smaller Choice fruit. California has limited production in the desert.

Lime quality and supplies remain inconsistent with varied prices.

California The Navel crop has been slow to get underway with supplies expected to be minimal for a couple more weeks.

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