

Production continues to decrease with slightly cooler, windy evenings along with quality issues from insect, mildew and tip burn.  Most growers reported to be 10+ days ahead of schedule which is correcting itself and leading to much higher pricing. Initially demand was over-inflated by ongoing berry shortages but now appears to be legit

with escalating prices for the next week.


Mix Leaf

Cooler temperatures have slowed overall production but quality issues have been the primary reason for lighter supplies.  Mainly pressure from insects and mildew along with a couple ill-timed showers the past couple

weeks. Prices continue to climb on ALL quality levels as supplies have tightened. Warmer temperatures forecast

next week should help get supplies back on track in a couple weeks.



Increasing demand industry wide and markets are getting stronger. Seeder has been an issue in Oxnard and Santa

Maria but growers are picking to avoid any major issues. Florida is still producing although volume is decreasing and quality is suffering. We expect this market to improve more over the next 10 days due to recent cold weather in California. Warmer weather is in the forecast but will not help production until late next week at the earliest.



Demand is steady and prices remain steady as well. Market could trend slightly upward starting the first part of next week as Central Mexico winds down its production. Overall quality has been good, nice green color and tight domes.



Cauliflower supplies will lighten as we head into the weekend.  Expect prices to climb going into next

week. Quality has been outstanding with nice white color and smooth domes.




The Green Globe / Heirloom variety is well past it’s’ peak and demand continues to push the market higher. The thorn less varieties continue to be available at moderate prices especially medium sizes although will tighten once the Green Globe season comes to a close in a couple weeks.




Very little imports from Mexico and Peru along with reduced domestic acreage from California and Washington has led to a very active market. Look for continued shortages throughout the Summer.


Brussel Sprouts


Production continues from Mexico where quality issues, mainly Insect pressure continue to hamper

supplies. Domestic production has started in a few isolated areas with better quality. The market is likely to continue near its’ historic level as most shippers are still barely covering value added contracts.




The Berry Category really has been a challenge this year for the grower, supplier, trucker and ultimately, the most important, the customer.  We not only have been up against wet weather, but we have had many episodes of high winds and a continuing wide range in fluctuating temperatures. These various factors have put the berry itself under stress, which gives way to quality issues on arrival. The conventional strawberry market will remain extremely tight for at least thru the middle of May, maybe longer.   The Organic Berry category has been very sporadic as it just has not been warm enough to get consistent supplies and the varieties used in the Organic Category have not held up well.




Honeydews were strong all week and traded at higher prices.  White fly has seemed to cause an early wind down of the offshore deal. Mexico is going but is no in an over-abundance of supply. Demand has been steady.  CA/AZ is not expected to start until the second week on May with not volume to speak of until the following week.  We look for a firm to strong market for the next 10-14 days.




Transition time is descending upon us rather rapidly.  Central America will be ending some time next. Sizes are skewing toward jbo 9s and 9s with very little smaller fruit available. Central Fla is starting its Athena harvest is a small way. California is also starting to phase in next week with volume picking up the second week in May.  There are already commitments for that period.

Markets finished steady on jbo 9s and 9s and very tight with significantly higher prices on 12s and smaller. Next

week this trend looks to continue. California.AZ fruit should pick up the slack in supplies from the ending off shore deal, but demand should be solid due to the onset of domestic supplies and commitments that are in place.  We look for a steady market through most if not all of next week and a potentially lower market the following week.





Watermelon supplies are down. Storms in late December and early January affected the early Florida crop. Mexico is transitioning to a new area helping to create a small gap. Expect seedless to begin to be harvested beginning

next week in Florida and Texas as well as San Juan Mexico. Supplies will increase over the next few weeks into promotional numbers. Produce West will have Peacock label seedless available to provide an alternative to other big name labels and provide exclusivity to our customers.

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