Good supplies with mostly top heavy pricing has allowed for frequent volume deals being available. Demand remains modest although as days grow shorter and cooler overnight temperatures forecast , changes could come quickly as growers continue to work with reduced acres this time of year. Quality has been good with a few defects mostly being trimmed in the field. Weights and texture also continue to vary daily.
Leaf Lettuce
Romaine Slightly lighter production due to reduced budgeted acres has allowed growers to raise floor pricing. Demand mostly has remained steady as well as quality with some seeder, rib and twist still present. Additionally insect pressure has increased which could result in even lighter supplies.
Romaine Hearts continue to offer good value with good supplies and quality.
Red leaf, Green leaf and Boston Many West Coast growers continue to work on scaled back acreage and have been able to maintain pricing especially as local homegrown production continues to suffer through challenging Summer weather conditions .
There is good availability and prices will remain unchanged as we go into next week. Run your offers by us!
The California market will remain at current trading levels for the rest of the week. Quality has been very nice, good green color and tight beaded domes. Production out of Central Mexico is limited, we expect production to ramp up starting the middle of September as their winter production begins. The East Coast production continues but movement out of this region has been good going into the Holiday weekend. We should see harvest out of the Southeast begin the first part of October.
We have seen an uptick with pricing over the last few days but it feels like things have topped out. Look for the market to start slowly receding as we move into next week.
The thornless varieties have become the dominant variety. Demand remains modestly good for light to moderate supplies.
Brussels Sprouts
Domestic production has begun to surge as prices continue to ease. Most growers will be offering sharp discounts on off sizes while looking to move regular sizes as well . Increased production is also available on Stalk Sprouts
Green Onions
The weather out of the Watsonville and Salinas area this week has been nice and mild this week, with daytime temps in the mid 70’s, and nights in the mid 50’s. Next week is looking to stay around the same with daytime temps in the high 60’s to low 70’s and nighttime temps in the mid 50’s. We are seeing less instances of mildew on fruit this week due to less fog coming in the mornings. Sizing is decreasing a bit, with sizing of conventional counts at about 22-26 a case and organic counts at about 28-35 a case. We are seeing issues of darker, soft, and overripe fruit, along with mildew due to the foggy mornings. Overall, both methods have good sheen, small-to-medium size, strong red color, and good flavor. Labor is tight, especially with school right around the corner. Santa Maria’s weather has been nice and sunny this week, with highs in the upper 70’s and overnight lows in the low 50’s. Next week is looking to warm further into the low 80’s in the first half of the week and then cool into the lower 70’s toward next weekend. The Fall Crop quality has been good and the numbers are rising. Counts are averaging in the low to mid-teens with nice sheen and firmness with some occasional issues of misshapen fruit, bronzing, and soft shoulders. The Fall Crop acres are heading for a peak in the middle of September to early October. Fall Crop conventional counts are averaging about 14-16 count a basket, are nice in shape, color, and firmness, though we are seeing issues with misshapen fruit and bronzing. The Organic fall crop berries look good. Most blocks are showing good shape and firmness with a couple crooked tips and light bronzing around. Organic counts are in the low to mid 30’s with occasional clamshell in the upper 20’s. There have been reports of some minor bruising in the Organic packs. The forecast is for an increase in organic and conventional volume in the coming weeks. Organic Spring Crop may be wrapping up soon, but Fall Crop is coming up right behind.
The rainy season is starting to end in Mexico with rain coming more sporadically and less intense. The weather has been hot and humid; seeing temps in the high 70’s to low 80’s and nights at the low 60’s. Next week is looking to be similar, with daytime temps still in the high 70’s and low 80’s as well. Overall, fruit is looking decent with a decent red color, with some fruit with lighter in color in the pack due to picking a bit early ahead of the heat. Sizes are mostly medium with larger berries here and there. Counts are 35-52. We do see some overripe and crumbled fruit, as well as mildew from the high moisture environment from the rainy season, but crews are doing their best to keep them out of the packs. Volume for raspberries will stay at a steady low through August until we pick back up in September. The Watsonville Raspberry production has sharply declined and will finish within the next few weeks. Overall, the color is a nice dark red color due to the warm temperatures underneath the hoops and sizing of rasps are a good medium size on average. Very little availability.
The quality out of Mexico is good, with berry sizing averaging medium to large range, good sheen, mostly black and with good firmness. Conventional counts are 22-26 and organic counts are 30-35. Due to high temps in the regions, there has been some red cell regression in some ranches and some soft, leaking fruit as the days continue to be hot. Rain has caused some concern for instances of mildew. The volume for blackberries has passed their peak and will steadily decline throughout August until we pick back up in early October. The quality out of Watsonville is fair to good. The berries are averaging medium-to-large size. Attached calyx seems to still be a minor occurrence, and it looks like growers are dealing with some issues of smaller fruit. Overall, production is at peak for blackberries in Watsonville. We are expecting good numbers into September.
Mexico has been dealing with some issues of shriveling, scarring, and deformities. It has been raining everyday so far in the Mexico regions. Production is trending to a yearly low due to the high heat, rain, and humidity. The conventional volume is expected to be low through the rest of August and into September. The volume should pick up towards the front part of October. Organic volume is in a bit of a gap, and small volume will continue until we get steady, but small, volume toward mid September. Production has dipped out of Oregon a bit , but was steady this week. Weather has been overcast with some rain, with days in the low 70’s and are seeing more potential of rain this weekend. Oregon has continued producing strong volume and good to fair quality this week. We are seeing issues of mold and smashed berries in packs here and there. Organic production is at peak and will have decent production through September. We are mid-to late season for Oregon blues and expect supplies to last through early October. The production out of Washington has been reduced this week due to extensive rain. Availability of quality fruit took a drastic shift down in estimates and are expecting more rain this upcoming week. Conventional fruit has been okay, and we are expecting to have availability throughout August, and quickly drop as we enter through September. Organic production has wrapped up. Lighter numbers out of British Columbia this week due to extensive rain. Availability of quality fruit took a drastic shift down in estimates and are expecting more rain this upcoming week. Weather has been cooler which should help with the quality of the fruit in future weeks. Volume is expected to somewhat return once the rain lets up, but this area has passed the peak numbers. Only conventional fruit from this point on. Quality is fair, with occasional issues of soft fruit, shriveling, and mildew from the wet weather. Chile will get started with small volume around the beginning of October for both conventional and organic. Peru will begin with light numbers around the end of September to early October.
Stone Fruit
We are currently seeing lighter volumes of peaches and nectarines available at the moment. Despite this, pricing remains steady. In addition, red and black plums are in stock and available. There are limited supplies of small black plums this week and markets are quickly reacting.
There is currently a wide range of Green Seedless grapes available in multiple varieties. This is an excellent time to promote, as availability will likely soon change. Red Seedless grapes are currently in limited supply due to cooler than normal growing conditions, affecting the time needed for them to reach optimal color. Overall quality has been strong, particularly on greens.
Valencia oranges are currently in very tight supply across all sizes and grades. This situation is evolving quickly, and the markets are advancing. Due to the high temperatures, the quality of the fruit is only fair. The heat has stressed the trees, leading to softer fruit that is showing signs of re-greening, which affects its overall appearance and quality. Navel oranges are available in good quantities. The most common sizes are 113 and 138, with a few available in sizes 88 and 72. The quality of the Navel oranges is good, providing a better option compared to the valencias at the current time.
Good supplies of offshore lemons are arriving , helping to meet demand. Distribution II lemons are still available, with strong supplies on the East Coast. Overall, the quality of the lemons has been consistently good.
Mexico ramped up its harvest last week, driven by the approaching end of California and lighter offshore supplies. However, during this transition, what’s available on the trees didn’t match market needs. Mexico’s harvest produced more small sizes (60s and smaller) than needed, leading to an oversupply in the spot market. With programs well-stocked from previous supply, there was little demand for these smaller sizes, causing price fluctuations. While 70s and 84s are stabilizing as other markets absorb them, pricing instability for small fruit may continue for a few weeks until better yields come in.
Not much change on Limes. Large fruit continues to be extremely short. Fruit in general is short and the quality of MX fruit is not great. Offshore fruit quality is better, but supplies are not heavy enough to make up for the problems stemming from Mexico’s shortcomings. Pricing continues to be elevated and one should expect things to stay the same for a few more weeks at a minimum.
Dry Onion
Onions…High demand still! There are guys selling cheap junk out there but good stuff is in high demand and pricing is holding.
When one shipper grower was asked what he thought of the market he responded as follows:
Yes, low demand
Yes, low volume
Yes, market staying high $26-$32 STD-LG
Organic Items
OG Broccoli & Cauliflower
Cauliflower production continues mostly steady with good quality and production. Prices have edged higher with improving demand
Broccoli supplies have leveled off as prices have stabilized although growers continue to battle insect pressure which could impact quality and production in coming weeks.
OG Celery
Production remains mostly steady with slightly higher prices . Growers continue to monitor fields for insect pressure.
OG Herbs & Bunch Greens
Multiple production areas continue to offer sufficient options and good supplies but mixed quality. especially increased insect pressure and seeder issues .
OG Leaf and Iceberg Lettuce
Leaf, Iceberg & Romaine Production in Northern California remains steady but limited. Recent hot temperatures haven’t led to many quality issues but growers continue to monitor for increasing insect pressure.
OG Citrus
Lemons, Oranges, Limes and Grapefruit Strong demand throughout the entire Citrus category due to strong retail sales and revived foodservice activity.
Grapefruit production has slowed with limited Fancy , Large size fruit available
Lemon Mexico continues with improved production but mostly small size. California will resume production later next month.
Lime quality and supplies remain inconsistent with elevated prices.
Valencia’s continue to be limited with varied quality .
OG Stone Fruit
Plums continue to offer strong sizing and flavor profiles with mostly very nice quality.
Peach and Nectarines volumes remain lighter with occasional heat related damage but mostly very nice quality. Temperatures are forecast to ease which could help extend the season for Yellow varietals as White varieties finish up for the season. Prices are expected to remain at current elevated levels.
OG Melons
Watermelons , Cantaloupes and Honeydews Production and Quality remain good with mostly Large sizing available . Prices have firmed as demand remains strong.
OG Grapes
The Central Valley continues with good supplies although Reds continue to lag behind Green varietals with improving size and flavor profiles. Prices have eased slightly but remain elevated with strong demand.
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