
Conventional Items
Growers are forecasting lower yields heading into next week and have artificially pushed prices higher in an effort to slow sales even with modest demand currently. There appears to be sufficient acres planted for the remainder of the central coast season as well as the transition to the central valley next month but shorter days, cooler evenings, disease or increased insect pressure could impact markets rapidly. Quality appears to be holding although growers continue to deal with increased insect, mildew and seeder pressure resulting in varied solidity, color and texture.
Leaf Lettuce
Romaine   Romaine supplies continue steady with some quality concerns beginning to increase as warm humid nights have increased mildew and seeder pressure resulting in some discoloration , twist and ribbiness. INSV has increased in some areas although still manageable.

Romaine Heart  supplies also remain steady with improving demand and heavily tiered pricing.

Red leaf, Green leaf and Boston  Continue with steady supplies with improved demand from the East Coast.  Quality has been varied with mildew and tipburn expected to remain a concern.

Pricing will remain relatively steady for the remainder of the week. The more aggressive prices are coming out of Santa Maria as opposed to Salinas. No quality issues to report of at this time, all product looks very nice out of both locations.
There is better availability of crowns this week and the market has declined a couple of dollars from this time last week. We dont expect prices to come down much more over the next seven days. Bunch products remain scarce and this pack has good demand. Do not look for prices to change much with bunch broccoli anytime soon.
Prices have seemed to stabilize and will remain at current levels for this week. Quality coming out of both Santa Maria and Salinas is good. The product that was showing some quality issues from the warmer weather a couple of weeks ago is now history and the new fields are showing nice white domes with dark green jackets and no brown spotting.
Summer production of the thornless variety yielding a full sizing profile. A few growers will be harvesting  limited quantities of the Green Globe variety in October.
Brussels Sprouts
Domestic production continues to inch forward although quality remains varied limiting overall supplies with continued strong demand keeping prices elevated . Discounts on small and Jumbo sizes remain common.
Green Onions
Production from Mexico remains limited as growers sort through wind and flood damaged fields. Supplies as well as quality are expected to remain limited through the end of the month.
We are beginning our downtrend in the Northern district. We expect smaller sizing over the next few weeks, with fruit quality ranging from fair to mostly good. The bruising we experienced a few weeks ago seems to have worked its way out of the pipeline. Santa Maria is currently experiencing good volumes and that is helping offset the decreasing numbers in the Salinas and Watsonville areas. The quality in Santa Maria has been very nice. In Oxnard we are expecting better numbers in the coming weeks. We are expecting very light numbers to begin next week out of Mexico.
We are expecting a slight increase in overall numbers next week as central Mexico begins with good volume. California production is peaking and will be steady through next week. The Baja area continues to decline in numbers towards the end of their season. Oxnard will continue to produce good numbers for the next several weeks. The Northern areas, production peaked a few weeks ago and will steadily decrease for the remainder of the season.
Santa Maria supplies are currently at peak levels for the next week or so, while the rest of the US regions will see supplies decline week over week. The Pacific Northwest will descend sharply week over week as their numbers will be minimal in October.
The Pacific Northwest will continue to decrease quickly for the next week or two with very light numbers expected. Peruvian arrivals have begun and will continue to increase each week going forward.  The Baja area will ramp up quickly over the next few weeks. Central Mexico will experience increasing numbers into October.
Stone Fruit
White and yellow peaches are extremely tight. Most shippers are finishing up for the season. White and yellow nectarine are also getting close to finishing for the season. Black and red plums are still available in all sizes. Expect pricing to increase on most stone fruit items as the season comes to a close in California.
Volumes continue to be light this week on most grape varieties. We are in a demand exceeds supply situation as recent rains have significantly reduced harvest numbers. The little fruit that is available is showing quality issues as a result of last months rains. Both red and green grapes have been affected by this. Pricing will likely continue to strengthen over the coming week as shippers will be selling out.
We are in a demand exceeds supply scenario on valencia oranges this week, especially on 88 count and smaller fruit. Customers are switching to larger sizes to get covered on larger sized orders. Pricing will continue to rise over the coming weeks, especially on small fruit. Navels are currently arriving, although mostly large sizes. Quality is only fair going forward.
Better demand this week on most sizes. Domestic fruit supplies are diminishing quickly and pricing is beginning to react. Offshore fruit supplies are improving, although pricing is beginning to increase as demand heats up . Mexican fruit is crossing although numbers are lighter due to recent rains and humid weather. Pricing will likely continue to increase for the coming weeks as domestic supplies clean up. Quality issues are becoming more prevalent as the season finishes and supplies are heavy on choice grade as a result.
Demand is strengthening overall. Sizing is peaking on smaller sizes and shippers are looking to move volume on 230 count and smaller fruit. Quality issues remain as a result of recent rains in Mexico. Expect stronger markets in the coming week, especially on large sizes.
Dry Onion
Pricing is steady and demand is still steady. Reds are a little harder to find and some waiting is taking place to get the volume you want. The harvest continues and the weather is cooperating so far cool night and warm days. Sizing is mostly jumbos on yellows and reds. Very few mediums around now and as the harvest continues we will see more mediums “cropping” up. Transportation seems to be consistent, so trucks are not a problem right now.
Quality issues continue to plague some shippers and they are really cheap…watch yourselves on quality. Supplies continue to rise and demand is about the same as last week; ergo lower pricing. Very few ads are being quoted until growers can see better consistency in both quality and supplies.
The weather on the Westside has cooled considerably and supplies have diminished accordingly. Contracted demand has stayed consistent and overall demand has picked up a notch with the return to school and normal family activities. It is late September and the Westside deal is entering is final stages. There is about two weeks to with some growers due to finish as early as next week. Others have late acreage but lighter yields. Sizes are now peaking on 9s and 12s rather than jbo 9s. Quality is a bit inconsistent but mostly good. Next week supplies should be somewhat lighter. The fall desert melons are looking to phase in the first couple of weeks of October, while the Westside supplies trickle into the same period. We see no gap but no volume overlap. Prices were higher this week and look to remained firm to higher next.
The rise in the cantaloupe market seems to be wakening the honeydew demand. Prices are steady with less discounting and slightly higher with a few suppliers. Sizes are peaking on 5s and 6s with a few 8s and some jbo 5s. Quality is good. We look for a stronger market next week
Organic Items
OG Herbs & Bunch Greens
Production remains varied among growers in Northern California although with sufficient supplies and mostly good quality .
OG Root Vegetables
Carrot  Production continues from California with some quality issues resulting from recent weather events.

Onion and Potato production has begun to slow with delayed curing as the California crop winds down.

OG Leaf and Iceberg Lettuce
Leaf, Iceberg & Romaine   Lettuce production has seen increased quality issues with mildew, tip burn and insect pressure all resulting in varied quality.  Markets remain mostly steady this week as demand continues to be modest.

Green and Red leaf   Supplies remain steady with increasing insect and mildew pressure expected to reduce supplies as we move further into September.

OG Citrus
Lemons, Oranges, Limes and Grapefruit  Strong demand throughout the entire Citrus category due to strong retail sales and revived foodservice activity.

Lemon  Mexico supplies continue to peak on smaller Choice fruit. California will begin in coming weeks with limited production.

Lime quality and supplies remain inconsistent with varied prices.

California  Valencias crop will be winding down in some growing districts with below normal production and strong demand.

Navels are still a few weeks out.

OG Tree Fruit
Pears continue with good supply while Pomegranates will become available in coming weeks.
OG Grapes
Growers continue to harvest Organic Grapes while sorting through quality issues brought on by the tropical storm earlier this month. Most fruit appears to be in good condition but arrivals have been varied with most receivers sorting through light to moderate quality issues.  Prices remain firm with limited availability.
OG Melons
Central Valley production of Honeydews, Cantaloupes and Watermelon continues with moderate supplies and strong flavor profile through the end of the month. Supplies could go through the middle of October if the weather cooperates. Demand remains strong even with firming prices.

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